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Friday, June 23, 2017

Anniversary and Graduation Weekend

Last weekend was a busy but joyful weekend.

Back in November 1956, my parents were married. Saturday June 17, 2017 we celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary!

The event was held at the Kennedy School in NE Portland. There were 40 people present including two people from the original wedding!

Lucky for you, I'm posting some photos of the event!

This is a picture of the family in attendance.

We served a brunch of quiche, sausage, bacon, pastries, potatoes, and fruit.

There were more than enough cupcakes! In fact, I have about 20 in my freezer!

Close up of the flowers, done by Flowers in Flight.

Alec and my Dad talking about fishing or hunting, no doubt.

The next day, my son, Alec, graduated from Portland State University!

The event was the largest graduation in PSU history.

Once the graduates filed in, the seats filled up quite fast.

Thank goodness for the jumbo-tron! There's Alec walking across the stage after receiving his diploma.

The happy graduate still has a few classes to take this summer and a capstone in August in which he'll be going to Borneo!

Congratulations Alec and Mom and Dad!


  1. What a wonderful celebration of life and family. So disappointed that we missed it. Thank you for posting pictures!

    1. We missed you and Jeff, however a trip to New York is a worthy reason to miss the events. Please post pictures!

  2. What a great weekend for you all. Please pass on my Congratulations to Alec. We will be seeing you soon for a new supply of soap.

    1. Thank you George, I will. I've enjoyed following your trip to the East Coast on Instagram! It looks like you guys had a great time visiting family.

  3. Love the pic ofvAlec in his cap & gown! He's grown into quite the young man! Good job Alec!


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