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Monday, October 3, 2016

Things I'll Always Pick Up at a Garage Sale

There are a few things in life that you just always say yes to.

Would you like avocado on that? Would you like to spend the entire day in your pajamas? How about an extra vacation day? A full week without the Century Link solicitors on your doorstep? Yes, always a yes.

On that same note, there are just some things I seem to ALWAYS say yes to at a garage or estate sale. Those things are, in no particular order:

  • Flip flops (aka thongs).  These are on the list because for some reason I've picked up two new pair recently and because I seem to spend 99% of my time at home wearing them.  A couple caveats here are they have to be cheaper than I can pick them up at the store (less than $3) and they have to be my size and new or like new.
  • Antique Hardware. Furniture pulls, hinges, casters, etc.  If these are priced well; yes, thank you.
  • Wooden boxes. Very handy and can be easily painted if necessary.
  • Silverware upgrades. Any old silverware particularly serving utensils are fun to pick up and use. It's better to have good silverware with an old patina than to have a matching set.
  • Wood kitchen utensils. Spatulas, spoons, ladles, scoops.  Yes!
  • Old design books especially Martha Stewart. These are usually cheap and can provide hours of entertainment. The really good ones are timeless. I've got some Martha Stewart books from the 80s where the designs would still look great today.
  • Vintage linens. Kitchen and bathroom towels, pillowcases, night shirts, blouses; especially if they're white and can be bleached easily, I'll always pick them up if the price is right.  There's just something about the feel of vintage linen...
  • Paint brushes. These are great useful finds! I've picked up quite a few new ones and some really great vintage ones.
I'm always looking to add to this list. What are some things you never pass on?


  1. Viewmasters and accordion figurines.

    1. I saw a viewmaster at a sale recently. I should have picked it up for you!


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