While I was gone, a couple of my hydrangeas burst into bloom! Hydrangeas are one of my absolute favorite garden flowers as evidence to that fact, I planted four!
This one is a lacecap hydrangea. The blooms are more flat and less round and bushy than the common mophead variety.
Although hydrangeas don't really have a scent, they do keep their blossoms well into fall. The mophead variety like this one, will easily keep it's flowers (if I don't cut them) into September even changing color slightly until turning brown and dying in winter.
My PeeGee variety has not quite bloomed; it has more cone shaped blooms that start out white and turn pinkish-red come autumn.
It's been almost two years now since I've been doing Bikram Yoga. I really love the extreme workout it is and how it makes me feel -- after it's finished. Bikram Yoga is a group of 26 yoga poses that are done in a heated room, usually about 105 degrees. The heat is meant to induce profuse sweating and to relax muscles so they stretch more easily. Occasionally I've overdone it and have had sore muscles. My Dad recommended I try Stopain Extra Strength Pain Relief Roll-On.
Right before I left for vacation a couple weeks ago, I finally finished a project I've been wanting to do for several months. Jeff had a couple old windows that we've been kicking around, one of which he gave to me.
I ordered Krylon Looking Glass Silver-Like Aerosol Spray Paint
I added three sunflower pulls I took off a dresser that was on the sidewalk for free. I didn't want the dresser but the sunflower pulls were awesome (this is why I always carry a multi-tool in my purse)!
I also added a sturdy way to hang the mirror. Wouldn't it look great in a bathroom with a hand towel hanging from the pulls?
This mirror will be available in my Home and Patio Sale July 29th and 30th! If you're in Portland go to NE Fremont and 15th and follow the signs!
I hope you enjoy your weekend! We had a wonderful time in Eastern Oregon last weekend, it's a beautiful part of the country. Monday I'll be posting Part Three of Things My Neighbors Give Away!
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