the signs! These vintage aprons will be available in the sale!
Blooming in the garden this week is the morning glory vine. I don't remember planting this, but it returns every year. This is another flower the hummingbirds love.
It's called a morning glory because when the afternoon sun hits the flowers they close up tight. Only in the morning do the blossoms open and show their beautiful color.
Well, another great summer beer festival is in the books for us. The Oregon Brewers Festival in Portland is the holy grail of beer festivals. This year over 80,000 people will be able to sample 20 different beer styles. It runs from Wednesday until Sunday. We always go on Wednesday to avoid the large crowds.
I'm working on another project! Right now it's in the preliminary, preparatory stage. Earlier this Spring, I had a new deck installed around the concrete porch in the back yard. It was cheaper than removing the porch and for drainage reasons I've read it's better to build around porches attached to the foundation.
Anyway, that left me with a little concrete pad with paint chipping off of it. My thought, with a little help from Pinterest, is to paint this pad similar to an oriental rug! I'm not going to attempt anything too fancy. Here's the "before" picture. Hopefully I'll have a nice "after" photo to post soon!
Enjoy your Summer weekend and get to Home and Patio Sale!
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